Welcome to my personal webpage! My name is Fernando, but you can call me Fer. I was born in Valladolid, Spain during the Barcelona '92 Olympic Games.
My interest in technology and programming began at a young age when I had to learn MS-DOS commands to run the videogame 'Hocus Pocus'. In 1998, I received a Nintendo 64 with MarioKart64 and F-1 World Grand Prix, which sparked my love for motor racing. Years later, for my birthday, I received a GameBoy Color with Pokémon Yellow Edition.
I have always been curious about how operating systems function and how video games can be programmed and run within a cartridge.
Currently, I work as an Android application developer, but I am eager to learn about other technologies and languages.
Autoclub Mutua Madrileña SL / ElParking.
OwnCloud GmbH.
SolidGear SL / IZERTIS.
Five Flames Mobile.
Gregorio Fernández's Study Centre.
DevExpert.io - Android & Kotlin Training
EIGP, Escuela Internacional de Gestión de Proyectos
Udemy's Platform
Udemy's Platform
Udemy's Platform
Udemy's Platform
I have experience working with Android, but I am open to learning new languages and platforms, such as Swift for iOS or Kotlin Multiplatform.
Although I work in the mobile sector, I am open to learning and training for backend or frontend development.
I am open to expanding my skills in other disciplines, such as DevOps and Cybersecurity.
If you want to learn more about my latest publications, I give talks to students, obtain new certificates, and share interesting news.
I am pleased to inform you that I have earned a new certificate in Architect Coders from DevExpert.io - Android & Kotlin Training. I would like to express my gratitude to Antonio Leiva Gordillo...
I have had the good fortune and opportunity to talk about my experience in the world of programming to second-year high school students. This year marks another opportunity to do so...
Starting from a base template for our projects is a fantastic idea. However, we must pay close attention when configuring a project or modularizing it to avoid mistakes...
You may contact me regarding job offers or recommend the most recent book you have read.